My Very Own Single-Serving Site

Is it 18:00 yet?!

Single-serving sites are awesome. Well, some of them are. Some of them answer really crucial questions.

My contribution: Is it 18:00 yet?

Sometimes you really really need to know if it's 18:00 already. My informative site "Is it 18:00 yet?" is here to the rescue!
It also shows a countdown till 18:00 (or a count-up, showing how much time has passed since 18:00).
What else happens on the site at 18:00? I'll let you browse and see the wonder for yourself!

GitHub hosting

This SSS is hosted on GitHub (yes! it's possible!). A link to the repository: IsIt6. To learn about GitHub hosting go to GitHub Pages.

Other examples

Here's a part of my SSSs collection. Some more useful than others.
Some links may be dead, as this is an old list...


Web and design:



  • is one of the oldest SSSs.
  • Then comes iiiiiiii, followed by ooooiiii and lalalaa.
    The songs those samples were extracted from are are Hebrew songs, btw.
